The Power of Vulnerability

At MINT we encourage the idea that work is a big part of our lives, so our work and personal persona should be in harmony

At MINT we are big fans of Brene Brown. After being introduced to her life-changing TED talk by our culture mentor and presentation coach, Zoe Coyle of Pilot Light, we have all begun working on our bravery, vulnerability and grace in the workplace and in life.

After now finishing Brene Brown’s full book, The Power of Vulnerability, we discussed a number of the key outtakes as wonderful lessons to live and work by which we share with you now:

  • We are living in a world of scarcity. ‘Not enough’ is an expression used all too much. “I didn’t get enough sleep, I’m not thin enough, I’m not rich enough.” Let’s practise gratitude over scarcity and appreciate what we have.
  • Love = trust, respect, kindness and affection. We can only love others as much as we love ourselves.
  • Never use exhaustion as a status symbol or productivity as a sign of self-worth.
  • Talk to yourself the way you would talk to someone you love.
  • Vulnerability is the first thing I look for in you and the last thing I want you to see in me. In you it’s courage. In me it’s shame.
  • Let calm be your superpower. Do this by following 3 steps in a confronting situation: Breathe, Ask questions, Ask yourself – ‘will freaking out help?’
  • A mantra for authenticity when you are feeling out-of-place: Don’t shrink, don’t puff up, stand your sacred ground.

At MINT we encourage the idea that work is a big part of our lives, so our work and personal persona should be in harmony. By practising principles in the workplace that we aim to achieve in our personal lives, we will all be able to live whole-heartedly.

Written by Miranda Bryce, Head of Strategy

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