The MINT Breakdown on Plastic Free July

‘Rubbish’ is a dirty word at MINT. We’ve been working out ways to reduce food waste and single use plastics (as a team and in our personal lives), we are lucky enough to be inspired by working with some amazing clients who are doing their part to ensure sustainable practises for a bright future for all of us.

Keep Cups are mandatory at MINT. Ever since working with MLC Centre on the ‘Disposable Truths’ campaign, where artist Marina DeBris created a sculpture using the discarded coffee cup lids of the food court; we are now aiming to be take-away coffee cup free. Along with all of the MLC Centre tenants, we now use a colourful array of re-usable cups to replace our daily (or sometimes thrice daily) disposable versions. We are enamoured with Single O who recently announced on Instagram that they have started collecting cups and mugs and loaning them to customers to return next time they come in. This is the way of the future.

Plastic Straw Free is now the proud cry of some of MINT client’s like Pernod Ricard, Peninsula Hotels and Daydream Island. All are removing their plastic straws and moving to paper to remove those incredibly harmful little tubes that often end up destroying marine life. Animal protection and sustainability is something that luxury safari client &beyond have been working towards for years. If we want to continue to travel and see amazing wild life around the globe, we need to support their protection.

Recycling is something to stand up for. At MINT we have recently followed the office initiative of one of our clients by removing bins under desks. Forcing people to stand up and dispose of their waste in clearly marked landfill and recycle bins ensures we mindfully dispose of our products (plus it gets us up out of our seats). Since removing our desk bins, MINT have become experts and what is recyclable, with the office sharing tips and tricks to reduce our landfill.

Waste not want not. At MINT our Friday fridge clean-out means that unlabelled food is turned into snacks for the office before the weekend. Guacamole anyone? We love to see that one of our favourite local café’s, Gratia, is currently working with OzHarvest to donate profits for the next 3 months. What a great excuse for an extra coffee (in a keep cup of course).

By Miranda Bryce

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