Tourism Tasmania

Tourism Tasmania engaged The Mint Partners to help launch their Winter Campaign the Off Season to market, to help combat their challenge of driving visitation from key markets to Tasmania in winter.

Our launch strategy entailed an exclusive preview event of the Off Season to 50 travel, lifestyle and F&B media and influencers, working closely with an event production agency to bring to life Tasmanian winter.

MINT seeded stories at the event, followed by a mass, targeted press outreach and a fully-fledged media famil programme. The campaign included a partnership with Virgin Australia facilitated by MINT and in-flight activation to drive further press and awareness.

  • MINT generated widespread media coverage of the Off Season in leading national consumer titles, driving talkability and buzz for Tasmania as a holiday destination.
  • Total reach: 2,085,500
  • Total media clips: 56
  • Total ASR: $278,671

Touch Points & Deliverables

Campaign Announcement
Talent management
Events & Activations Partnerships
Media Program
Media Relations
Press Opps
Social Media Strategy
Social Media Content Creation
Ambassador Media Call

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